Tag Archives: loving hands

Loving Hands

Four massive boxes full of donations arrived from the crafters at Loving Hands. Toys, scarves, socks, jumpers, sanitary sets and Eid gift bags were all included.

For those of you who don’t know, ‘Loving hands’ is a Knitting, crochet, sewing project whose members make things and then distribute them to charities and organisations throughout the world. More details of the project can be found at www.lovinghands.org.uk   

Thank you so much for donating to the project again, everything is truly beautiful and will be appreciated  by so many.

There are lots, lots more pictures of donations to be posted and about 150 emails to be replied to, I have been backwards and forwards to the hospital for the past two weeks so things have been lets say, a little difficult. But, I am now almost completely recovered and will get back in action asap. Pictures and replies coming shortly!


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A mountain of toys

The crafters at ‘loving hands’ must have been crafting like crazy recently if the eight massive boxes of donations that we received this week are anything to go by.  As usual everything is just  fantastic! Beautiful baby clothes, things for toddlers and older children, blankets and lots and lots of toys- toys of every shape, colour and design imaginable .


Once again,  thank you so much for such wonderful donations!

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Toys from ‘Loving Hands’


donations sept 010

Loving Hands is a craft group that makes wonderful items for different charities throughout the world, for a while now Algerian Action has been the lucky recipient of many beautiful and much needed items from them.  In addition to their general crafting they have different ‘challenges’ which run throughout the year where they have targets to make particular things. Recently I was asked by Lou,the groups founder if there was anything specific that we required.  Well, everything is needed but after a bit of thought I suggested that the group could make toys.  On my very first visit to Algeria one of the things that stood out for me the most were the lack of toys.  Hardly any children seemed to have toys, not just those from poor families but those from average families who had enough clothes, food etc. It is quite normal for children to play outside and the children amuse themselves with make believe games and team sports like football. But what about children who can’t or don’t play outside with their neighbours, those in hospital for example or those who are just too young to go out? With that in mind I thought it would be a nice idea to create some ‘toy boxes’ which could be donated to a few different places including an orphanage and a children’s ward.

A few weeks after making the suggestion a box full of toys arrived from loving hands, of course everything is beautiful and so carefully made.            

donations sept 011

donations sept 012

donations sept 015

donations sept 017

Once again, huge thanks are owed to the generous members at loving hands.

The ‘toy box’ collection continues so if you feel inspired by the pictures above and fancy making a toy or donating a pre-loved one it would be much appreciated. All types of things including craft materials, pencils etc are welcome.

 To read more about the work of loving hands take a look at their website –http://www.lovinghands.org.uk

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Loving hands

Two great big boxes full of donations were delivered yesterday-they came from the lovely ladies at Loving hands.

Like everything that they have sent before each and every item has been beautifully made. The parcels included hats, blankets,bootees, toys,dresses,cardigans, lots and lots of jumpers to fit older children which is just fantastic and a huge mountain of sanitary towel sets which I know will be appreciated so much.

The pictures speak for themselves……….   

Wonderful stuff!

Thank you so much for supporting the project with such dedication.

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