Knitted flower pattern

As requested by Rachel, here is the pattern for the knitted flower brooch that I posted up a week or so ago. Happy knitting!

For the flowers pictured I used dk (worsted weight) yarn.  I have successfully made them with other types of yarn but find that this type allows the flower to hold its shape better.

I used 4 mm (US 6) needles.


Abbreviations- k = knit     p= purl

Cast on 50 stitches

row 1)  k

row 2) k

row 3) k

row 4) p

Repeat rows 3 and 4 twice

row 9) k2, yo continue to last two stitches, k2 (73 stitches)

row 10) p

row 11) k

Repeat rows 10 and 11 twice

row 15) k

row 16) k

cast off

weave in ends.

To make up

1)Fold in half lengthways and stitch the two long sides together.

2)One end should naturally form a point, with the last few eyelets off centre. stitch the two sides of the end together.

3)Take top corner of point down to the bottom edge to form a triangle shape. Stitch it into place.

4) Fold the edge in to meet the start of the triangle, secure it in place with a stitch or two.

5)Gradually wrap the length around the centre to form a flower shape.  You can make the flower petals as open as you want, just shape and stitch in place as you wrap.

6) Ensure that the petals are secured in place with a few extra stitches at the back.

7) Secure a pin on the back.

Decorate with beads and ribbon as desired.

It’s difficult to explain the making up process but, it will all fall into place when you do it!


Filed under crafts

3 responses to “Knitted flower pattern

  1. rachel greig

    thank you so much! im very excited to make some!!
    also i read on the other page about ideas for craft fair? why not have a go at bracelets? ive been doing some at the moment. really easy. basically, co about 12 sts depending on patteren doing as can do 2×2 rib, or a moss stitch, or effective is garter stitch for 8 rows st st 6 rows repeat till length met. knit till 9″
    making up
    with right sides facing join the long edges turn bracelets right side out. cut 1″ thick strip from a plastic 2 litre drinks bottle, sand edges an tread tgough bracelet, joon open ends!
    theres so many patterens and things to do! ive just tried adding a flower!

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